Subliminal suggestion was pioneered back in th 1950's and has since become a well researched science. In the 1960's foremost experts in the field, such as Eldon Taylor, Vance Packard and William Bryan Key all proved that subliminal messaging was undeniably very effective.
In 1974, the United States Authorities placed a ban on the use of subliminal messages on TV and radio. According to reports at the time, the censure was applied because subliminal messaging could give both companies and individuals too much of a competitive edge.
Nonetheless, thousands of individuals are still employing subliminal messaging today as a means of self improvement and to help them succeed in their education, careers and even weight loss. People from all walks of life are coming to recognize that subliminal messaging is a very effective means of directly programming their minds, with very little effort on their part. Besides, well known gurus like Derren Brown, Anthony Robbins and Tiger Woods have all vouched for its effectiveness.
Subliminal Software - Harnessing the power of subliminal messaging can be achieved either visually or through the use of sound. Visual messaging is a lot more effective than sound and can be achieved by flashing messages on your computer screen while you work or play.
The hypothesis behind the technique is that, although your conscious mind does not actually see these subliminals, the subconscious does understand them almost immediately and uses them accordingly. Therefore, people who use subliminal messaging are able to better their success in any arena they choose, and it is easier than they ever considered possible.
Depending on the messages you choose to use, you might find yourself thinking more positively, wanting to exercise, being more self confident or simply being able to focus a lot better.
If you are looking for a lasting, nearly effortless means to change your life in some way, give subliminal messaging a try. It is effective, inexpensive, and it could make a world of difference.
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