Thursday, October 16, 2008

A couple of Profiles In Procrastination Psychology establishing organisational Strategy

The difficulty of definite tasks often provokes a desire to delay or otherwise waste time ahead of getting down to business. This impulse to procrastinate can affect people’s lives while an occasional temptation or as a nearly attractive habit, depending on the temperament of the individual.

In three particular areas of activity, namely college, business and home life, procrastination can have an especially detrimental effect. A Better look at the underlying constituents for procrastination in each of these settings could help illuminate several of the influences in the decision to procrastinate.

For many students, procrastination emerges as a significant problem during the first years of college. The college procrastinator is frequently a person who, for one of several conceivable reasons, did not learn effective time management strategies at high school. A great deal accustomed to high school assignments that are strictly short term or that have been broken up into a series of smaller assignments by the high school teachers, the college procrastinator is at a loss to adjust to college’s long term assignments. In some cases, the college procrastinator underestimates the difficulty of a term paper or end-of-semester project because the professor does not constantly remind the class about the upcoming deadline.

For these grounds, the difficulties faced by the college procrastinator can be seen as a failure to adjust from a structured, regularised learning environment into an environment where independent time management skills are a necessity. Once the need for discipline and organization has been recognized, a few simple tools, such as a day planner, could assist the college procrastinator organise a self-structured series of goals and deadlines for long assignments.

Whereas the college procrastinator might put off a problematic assignment by playing computer games or socialising, the business procrastinator are frequently more subtle in his or her schemes. Rather than engaging in insignificant amusements, which might be reprimanded if discovered, the business procrastinator often wastes time on activities that is in fact part or his or her job description but that are not the most meaningful tasks at the moment.

In some cases, a deficiency of confidence in the ability to successfully complete challenging assignments compels the business procrastinator to pursue leisurely, straightforward minor tasks. In other situations, an inability to distinguish between high- and low-priority assignments causes the business procrastinator to perceive that the simple tasks are just as important as the complicated ones, leaving the business procrastinator no reason to pursue the more difficult tasks.

To remedy this circumstance, the business procrastinator first of all must learn to realize which tasks have the most potential to affect the success of the business itself and to affect the course of business in the long term. Once these has been accomplished, the business procrastinator can manage long-term, complicated tasks into a series of deadlines which are not quite so overpowering.

Rather than being not able to face a deadline, the home-life postponer is often uncomfortable with the unremitting nature of daily home-related tasks. Yard work, home repairs, cleanups and meal preparation can all acquire the uninspiring role of routine inconveniences in a person’s life. As pending chores amass over time, the home-life procrastinator begins to sense the pressure of house work obtruding upon the delights of everyday life.

To counter this state of affairs, a specific time should be set aside each week to schedule a sensible number of weekly chores. By naming which tasks should be accomplished on which day, the home-life procrastinator can gain control over the amount of work. And by fixing certain tasks to certain days, the procrastinator could stop feeling blameworthy about any unfinished chores provided that he or she has attained the chores earmark for the present day.

What is Life Coaching and How Can it Help Me

Numerous people experience difficulties setting personal goals and then following them. There are many reasons for this, such as lack of focus, little or no self discipline or perhaps a life-style that is mismanaged. Ultimately, they wind up going around in circles getting nowhere fast. Irrespective of what the explanation is, personal goals are not being met and that can result in a downturn in the quality of life for that person. If you find that you are spinning your wheels but not getting anyplace as far as your own  personal goals are concerned, perhaps the time has come to look into life coaching.

Life and personal development coaching is all about helping other people to reach their goals and their aspirations. Utilizing a combination of coaching skills from several disiplines such as psychology and sociology, a life coach will lead by example while offering effectual life tips to clients. A life coach must assist you in examining your current living situation and have you reach a decision as to where you would ultimately like to be in life. Besides offering tips and guiding you along, they will also assist you in getting over any obstacles that might crop up along the way.

A life coach is not a fix it all and they cannot solve the client's difficulties for them. If drugs, alcohol, abuse or psychological issues are present, then the mentor is not qualified to help with those kinds of issues. Although they are not qualified to do such a job, they can provide a good example and may assist you to seek out specialist help for your particular issues. Your mentor is not there to push you towards anything which you are not ready for and neither should they show you the way. They are more of a shoulder to lean on should you need assistance in handling certain transitions in your life.

One key aspect that you should be mindful of is that there are no professional qualifications or certification required to become a life coach or for leadership mentoring. There are organizations that do offer membership but there is no training required in order to be a mentor. With that in mind, when you are looking for a life coach, you should be very skeptical of anybody who claims to be able to change your life or assist you to achieve any unreasonable goals.

Life coaching is a way of life for some people and they get a real buzz out of helping others to come through in making their goals, desires and ambitions become a reality. If you have a yearning to begin coaching folks yourself, just bear in mind that very little good in life comes easy and it can take some hard work to become a life coach, but the end rewards will be well worth the endeavor.

Every so often, life has a tendency to be overwhelming and it is at these times that individuals find themselves being pushed off course as far as their goals are concerned. Life coaching offers much needed motivation and helps put the person back on the road to attaining success.

9 Simple Tips To Help You Control Your Anger

Here are some simple anger management tips for you to try:

1. Slowly count to ten. Sure, your mom always told you to count to ten. But that was when you were younger. The good news is, this still works. Unless you race through the count at warp speed, it gives you enough time to think about your reaction.

2. Get some exercise. If you're close to a punchbag, hit that a few times. If it's not an appropriate time to go to a gym, just take any exercise. Even a jog or a brisk walk. Anything to help clear the anger out of your system.

3. Learn to relax more. OK, that's probably the last thing on your mind in the middle of an anger attack. But if you think it could work for you, give it a go. And if you're too angry to relax at this present time, add yoga or meditation or any other form of relaxation to your "to do" list.

4. Escape reality with a video game. You can go off to some fantasy land and vent your aggression on a bunch of pixels on a screen.

5. Take a long, deep breath. This is likely another thing you used when you were younger. Guess what? It still works now. It gives you pause for thought.

6. Don't bottle up your anger. If you suppress your anger, you run the risk of it literally eating away at you. Find methods to safely vent your anger, if at all possible without damaging people or property near you.

7. Keep an anger log. After a few entries in your log, you'll likely start to notice a pattern of things that bring on your anger bouts. You can then decide whether anger is the best reaction to these events.

8. Learn to laugh. Out loud, or in your head. Comedians would be out of a job if there wasn't a funny side to things, so it's there, hiding. Discover that laughter can often literally be the best medicine.

9. Don't get angry at yourself. You're not superhuman. Try to learn to tolerate yourself more and reduce the number of times you chastise yourself for your imperfections.

Discover more ways to control your anger here.

{Which Anger Management Truths Should You Believe?}

{Do you get aggressive when you get angry? If you do, you should know that aggression is a learned behavior and is not part of human behavior. Animals naturally get aggressive when they get angry. The fact of the matter is that aggression is not a natural human trait. Which is the more reason you should learn how to get rid of it in the first place.}

{The fact about the matter is that controlling your anger is not an easy feat because anger is intrinsic. People who have struggled with anger issues will be the first to admit that controlling anger isn’t a walk in the park. Anger management is a product of a strong will. But the fact also is that it CAN be done. It has been effectively managed by others and you can effectively manage it as well. }

{Ideal candidates for anger management programs are those who are in the habit of getting uncontrollable angry too often. A colleague at work who does not seem to get along with other people in the workplace surely needs anger management classes. Also, an argumentative couple who are always at each others throats definitely require anger management classes.}

{Don’t think it’s only adults who need anger management. Even children do. A household of angry children can be very demanding. If you are unable to get your children to communicate their feelings of anger to you, you should consider taking them for anger management classes. Anger management classes for children are rampant and can help your children deal effectively with their anger.}

{If you are easily angered or are overly touchy, you may make yourself a target for people who enjoy getting a rise out of you. On the other hand, you may also, end up driving away people you truly care about. Getting angry unnecessarily will only give you more pain than pleasure, so do all you can all the time NOT to get angry. }

{Here is an anger management technique that is so simply yet very effective - Make a list and write down the names of the people who seem to always make you angry. Beside each person’s name, indicate the qualities that you like or admire in the person. Doing this and writing it help you to focus on the good qualities of the person and drains away any angry emotions.}

{Anger is usually a secondary product of a stronger emotion. You may get uncontrollably angry when you see someone who hurt you dreadfully in the past. Anger can be controlled by targeting and dealing with its source.}

{Don’t frown at the idea of enrolling your teenager in an anger management program if you are certain that he or she needs it. Teenage anger can be potentially disruptive because they have less control over their anger than adults do. You can save yourself a world of grief by teaching your kids now to express anger positively.}

More insightful articles about anger management can be found at

Anger Management: 5 Really Simple Anger Management Tips

Sure, you get angry. Maybe your anger is occasional. Or maybe you're angry most of the time.

The good news is, it's not your fault that your anger surfaces. It's all those events around you. And those awkward people! You know, the ones who deliberately drive slowly in front of you. The people in line who spend forever getting the right change out of their purse. Your boss at work who always gives you the hardest jobs with the shortest deadlines. It doesn't matter why you've become angry. It's what to do to get rid of your anger or at least manage your anger that counts.

So what can you do to manage your anger?

1 - Count to ten. Slowly.

Sure, your parents likely told you to do this when you were younger. And you're not a child any more. Want to know a secret? It works just as well now (maybe even better) than it did when you were younger. If it helps, swear under your breath with each number you count. When you count to 10, make sure you count slowly. It's not a race. Time your breaths to coincide with your counting and make each breath long and deep. Do the same when you exhale.

2 - Breathe in deeply.

Ideally, more than just one. Five or more long, deep breaths will go a long way to managing your anger. Try it now, while you're not wound up. Breathe in. Slowly. Notice the air as it travels down and fills your lungs. Next, hold your breath for one or two seconds. Then exhale slowly, again paying attention to the air leaving you. See your anger leave your body on the crest of this air and watch it dissipate into thin air.

3 - Talk about your anger.

Maybe with your local psychiatrist. Or - and this is cheaper - with a friend or work colleague you can trust. Use this talking to express your thoughts. But probably not screaming at the top of your voice. Quite often your anger is caused by the straw that broke the camel's back and can be triggered by something relatively trivial. Talking about it and maybe not taking yourself too seriously in the process can be a great way to diffuse the anger.

4 - Give yourself some relaxation time.

Anger and stress often go hand in hand. Relaxation will help to de-stress you. Which in turn will help to reduce your anger or at least cut down the length of time you're angry. Relaxation takes many forms. Decide on one that you think will be best for you. Whether it's a walk in the park. Or a long soak in the bath. Or a specific relaxation track you've downloaded from the web.

5 - Try hypnosis for anger management.

Using hypnosis can be an easy way to help reduce and manage your anger. It works with you to help change how you react to situations that would have previously made you angry. It's really cheap and with today's internet downloads completely discrete. Check out this hypnosis anger management track for more information.

Being Immobile in a Mobile World: Donating Wheelchairs to the Disabled

Anyone who is physically disabled well understands the absolute need for wheelchair donations for similarly disabled persons. Unfortunately, many physically disabled persons are without proper resources to purchase the needed wheelchairs and assistance. So how can we help?


Organizations worldwide are involved in projects to provide free wheelchairs to persons with disabilities who are not able to afford a wheelchair on their own. By helping such people through cash or wheelchair donations, you can bring a smile to their faces by making their lives just a tad easy.


They need it!


There are over 100 million physically disabled persons worldwide. And there are many others living in the “forgotten” parts of the world. All these have people are disabled due to different reasons such as accidents, birth defects, war injuries, disease, or old age. There are scads of people who have been disabled due to landmines and unexploded ordinance. According the World Health Organization, landmines around the world injure over 29,000 people every year. This number does not take into account unreported cases or deaths caused by the explosions.


The bottom line is that whatever may be the reason behind their disability, all of them need wheelchairs. The greatest need being in developing countries, for it is estimated that the need for wheelchairs in these countries will increase by 22 percent over the next 10 years.


In fact, in developing countries, where the need is most pronounced, these persons are currently bedridden, or get around by using their arms to propel them from place to place. Don’t these people deserve the dignity of being able to move around their homes and communities with ease? Of course they do; and you can help.


Through programs such as the Wheelchair Foundation, run all over the world; you may donate wheelchairs to be sent to several countries outside the U.S. The foundation, however, does not deliver individual chairs, but sends bulk containers to different regions.


Other organizations such as Chariots of Hope, Direct Relief International, and Hope Alliance International are all non-profit organizations that work internationally and receive donations for used wheelchair equipment. Unlike, the Wheelchair Foundation that ships large orders to general areas, these organizations attempt to cater for individual recipients. In many cases, when you donate a wheelchair, the organization will refurbish the used chair and then ship it to a child or adult in need.


All these organizations need your help to help the disabled. You can help the disabled improve the quality of their life and add that zip to their crippled movements. And won’t you enjoy adding some years to their life and adding life to those years.



Wednesday, October 15, 2008

How The Results from Procrastination Can Be Devastating To A Relationship

At work and at home, people form relationships in which they depend on one another. Family life can be rocky or smooth depending on the ability of spouses and family members to divide the necessary home duties and follow through on their individual responsibilities. Relationships between co-workers also involve a level of trust that each member of the business team will contribute an adequate amount of work to a given assignment. In both of these circumstances, one person’s failure to do a fair share of the work can be devastating to the effectiveness of the family or work group and can also hinder people from trusting one another. Therefore, when procrastination becomes a significant influence in a person’s habits, both the practical and the emotional sides of the person’s family and work relationships will suffer.

In family relationships, there is always a comprehensive amount of work that needs to be actioned in order for the home to run smoothly. Periodic tasks might include maintenance on a home or on appliances, work in the yard, laundry, cleaning, washing dishes, cooking, keeping a vehicle or vehicles in working order, and child care. If any of these jobs are neglected for a significant amount of time, the family will be unable to operate effectively. In cases where one family member gets behind in chores, especially due to a reasonable situation like an illness or the need to work extra hours at a job, other family members will probably be happy to work around the slowdown and even pick up the excess chores temporarily. However, when a family member routinely procrastinates for extended periods of time and leaves his or her share of house work unfinished, other family members might begin to resent the tasks being left unfinished and being overburdened with the extra work. The situation can be especially tense if the procrastinator uses entertainment or games as a procrastination device, watching television or playing computer games while the other members of the household struggle with more than their share of chores. Regardless of whether the procrastinator are a spouse, parent, child, sibling or in-law, only an end to the procrastination and an accountable amount of work will remedy the strain that procrastinating can cause in a family.

In a business environment, procrastination can be similarly destructive. People who work regularly spend a majority of their time during the day with their co-workers, and the relationships between business team members are a crucial part of the social lives of professionals. When one member of a business team is a chronic procrastinator, the other team members often need to shoulder the procrastinator’s share of work to meet deadlines. And when members of the team each have a particular field of work, somebodies procrastination may leave the others unable to find the information they need to complete their personal assignments. Resentments, distrust and hostility may result, particularly in cases where the entire team misses out on a bonus or other reward due to one member’s procrastination habits. And as in the event of procrastination at home, the only dependable method to better the situation is for the procrastinator to adopt whatever organizational and time management steps are requisite to accomplish a sensible amount of work.

How Procrastination Can Be Symptomatic Of more inexplicable basic Problems

When faced with an unpleasant or daunting task, either in personal or professional activities, many people can be tempted to procrastinate. Some procrastination takes the form of dismissing the unpleasant task as something to be done later and then putting it out of mind. At other times, procrastination occurs by wasting one’s time with meaningless pursuits, games and amusements. To complicate matters, not every form of procrastination can be easily dismissed as purely wasted time. For business people and office workers who handle a variety of related tasks every day, certain types of work can actually function as a tool for procrastination. In some cases, tasks that are smaller, simpler, or that might easily be delegated to an intern are used as a diversion from important, complicated, intimidating tasks.

Implications For Time-Management and Prioritizing Skills

In order to work effectively, people need the ability to budget their time. In the typical professional environment, people are given more work than they can realistically handle within normal working hours. Even people with a reasonable workload could improve their business prospects by taking on additional tasks or taking time to make aspects of their work more efficient. For all of these reasons, it is extremely important to be able to manage one’s time successfully. Effective time management takes the ability to weigh the amount of time free against the tasks that need to be actioned and to decide on a schedule for completing the undertakings. Unfortunately, procrastination interferes with the ability to budget time by inflating the amount of time needed to reach a certain milestone or level of completion. For this reason, repeated procrastination can be seen as a sign that an individual lacks the ability to set his or her own time management goals or lacks the discipline to adhere to those goals.

In situations where multitasking is required, procrastination could also be a sign of failure to properly organize priorities. Allowing trivial tasks to take time and energy away from more important goals indicates either an inability to recognize the most important tasks or a lack of concern about whether the most important goals are accomplished in a timely fashion. However, a failure to prioritize might not be entirely the procrastinator’s fault. An employee who does not have enough information to form an overall picture of his or her employer’s goals might not have the perspective to prioritize effectively and might therefore end up wasting time on trivial goals believing that they are important.

It should be remembered that, while occasional procrastination might signal some sort of underlying problem, it is not necessarily a sign of a character flaw or skill deficit. For example, a lack of motivation due to a real or perceived shortcoming in the reward for good time management could be at the root of procrastination.  One example of this might be a work environment in which an employee receives the same compensation regardless of whether his or her deadlines are met. This could result from a poor performer realizing that procrastination is routinely tolerated, but it could also result from a high performer perceiving that outstanding time management is never rewarded. In a work environment, instances of procrastination can reveal overall communication and employee relations issues as well as the underlying issues of individual employees.

Learn To Become More Confident With These 7 Simple Tips

If your self confidence level could be laid out in full on your little fingernail, check out these 7 easy self confidence tips:

1. Take a brisk walk

Confidence and speed often go hand in hand, so the logic on this is that you'll feel more important as you dash around. Your faster walking will also increase your overall energy levels as you won't be giving yourself the chance to just stroll along.

2. Don't slouch

Yup. This sounds like a quote from an office poster. But check it for yourself now. Give yourself permission to slouch - Do your feelings get lower in an instant? Now staighten your spine and tilt your head slightly upwards. Oh, and smile. Notice the difference?

3. Dress yourself smarter

Sure, the "dress to impress" slogan sounds like a cliche. But if you look a million dollars your confidence levels will rise as well.

4. Be grateful

You don't have to say a prayer of thanks, unless that fits your religious beliefs. Just be grateful for everything good that comes your way. Anything from the fresh air you breathe to the friends around you, being free from disease or anything else that you can be grateful for in your life. Acknowledge your gratitude either out loud or in your head.

5. Give compliments to people

Even though this isn't the main idea, you'll probably get complimented back. But whether or not this happens, you'll watch the negative energy around you melt away and some of the increased happiness will bounce back in your direction.

6. Sit at the front

If you always sit at the back, even when there are empty rows in front of you then you're telling your subconscious that you want to fade into the background. Sit right up there in the front row. Dare yourself to be asked a question and have the confidence to answer it!

7. Don't lurk in conversations - add to them

If you're always the quiet one at the back in any conversation, join in and speak occasionally. Most people will be happy for you to join in the conversation (or at least won't interrupt you too often) and you'll find yourself getting more confident.

Find out more ways to boost your self confidence here.

Read Faster, Retain More With Speed Reading

Whatever your current reading skills are, a good speed reading program can teach you to read faster. As well, your comprehension abilities are maintained, and sometimes they even get better.

With a speed reading program, people learn to rapidly scan the reading material. They learn how to skip over the parts they don't need and focus on just the meaningful information. The idea is to be able to gather the essence of the material through reading entire sentences or phrases as a block, instead of just individual words.

In particular, technical materials can be difficult to read, and they often run to a thousand pages or more. Speed reading can help people get through them faster while retaining the important information. This is critical, since if they can't remember half of what they read, they may have to go back and read through it more than once.

When children first learn to read, they read a word and pronounce it out loud to be sure they recognize it. Then they move on to the next word. This methodical and slow moving process of reading is retained as time goes by. With a speed reading program, however, your brain can learn to read faster and more efficiently.

Speed reading programs were first introduced in 1958 by Evelyn Woods in Australia. In the years that followed, speed reading has taken on ever more popularity, in particular the ability to absorb lots of information.

There are many different techniques available in a speed reading program. All of these have been developed to help people improve their reading speed. Some naysayers, however, charge that some of these programs increase reading speed at the expense of comprehension. Some of the fastest readers, those who win competitive speed reading contests, can blaze through one or two thousand words per hour. On the other hand, their comprehension rate is about 50 percent.

This is considered by some to be an essential component of a speed readng course that is lacking in many programs. Their success is based only on reading speed without factoring in comprehension or the ability to retain the information. These are also quite important, in particular with regards to technical information.

If you're looking to find a good speed reading program, make sure it promises to help your understanding and ability to retain the material and not just teach you to read faster. By utilizing these skills, you'll be able to get what you need from any type of reading material.

How To Achieve Goals – How To Set And Achieve Goals

Learning how to achieve goals is an important step to bring about positive changes in your life. It acts as a beacon and guides you to the final destination you want. Goal setting is a very powerful tool whether you use it for business, personal, sports or any other purpose in life.

Many people failed to achieve their goals because at the first place, they do not have clear goals to achieve. They have too many goals. That is why their attention is not focused and is divided to different matter.

The simple key in attaining your goals is you through directing yourself towards the realization of a defined concrete goal. That is your starting point. If you already established that, you can start working on it by focusing your attention and avoiding distractions.

Remember that there are too many things in the world that can distract you in attaining your goal. Of course, it is important to do your best and give your maximum effort. Sometimes, the end goal in itself is not that important as in the process of achieving your desired goals.

Then, always remember that not everything is perfect so there are times that you will really encounter problems but consider them as challenges for you. If you failed once, you have to stand up and show the world that you are strong. Too many people give up easily once they encounter the first obstacle to your goals.

A challenge is just a test to pass. Only the weak people will not make it in the end. But if you have enough motivation and determination then surely, you can get your dreams and make it your reality. Just remember each failure and setback you have brings you closer to success.

It is important to see the world as not black and white. There are too many forces that can affect one´s personal experience. What is important is that you know how to manage yourself, for you to attain your goals and succeed in life.

If you want to learn how to achieve goals, i recommend the DNA Of Success Book by Jack M. Zufelt. Click here to learn more about how to achieve goals.

Weight Loss and Self Esteem

Losing Weight Will Boost Your Self Esteem

Like many self confidence concepts, building self esteem is full of mumbo jumbo that has little practical value. Telling someone to have a firm hand shake, look people in the eye, or repeat “I’m somebody” over and over- just isn’t going to do it.

Trust me on this one, improving your self esteem takes action. Heathy self esteem comes from having confidence in your abilities. How do you develop confidence? From being comfortable in who you are and your abilities. How do develop abilities? They same way you get good at anything else in life, by working at it until you get it right. You don’t suddenly wake up one day with new self esteem. You work on the things that will make you feel good about yourself until your low self esteem gradually becomes high self esteem over time.

Let me share something with you that you will never hear from the warm and fuzzy crowd: You have to be willing to make changes. You can’t expect to keep living life like you’ve been living it, and have things change on their own. You have to take action to make them change.

If you want to boost your self confidence, you need to feel good about yourself and your abilities. And there’s no better place to start than how you feel about your physical appearance. Think about it. Do you ever see a professional athlete that’s trying to overcome low self esteem? If anything, these guys have too much self esteem!

Some of that natural self esteem might come from birth, but I guarantee you that improved self confidence was built from many hours of a hard work and training. This work gave them the foundation for increasing the self esteem they already had.

Let me share something with you that Arnold Schwarzenegger said that few people ever think about:

“Once you have the discipline to affect the shape of your body, you have the discipline to accomplish anything.”

Do you see the hidden key here to more self esteem? You start with the body, and the mind will follow. I call it getting a new body and new life. Would having the discipline to accomplish anything you set your mind to help you overcome low self esteem?

You bet it would!

Think about how few people you know that can control the shape of their body through proper diet and exercise. Just a fraction of the population- correct? Now tell me how you would feel about yourself if you knew YOU were one of those people. Think about any weight loss success story you’ve ever heard of. Did the person who succeed at that say life is the same- or are they totally stoked!

They say things like “I can’t believe my boost in self confidence and self esteem. I feel like a brand new person.”

The same thing happened to me. At age fourty-nine, I totally changed the shape of my body. I was the proverbial 90 pound weakling growing up. As I got older, I became a fat weakling. Then I took control of my body. And it did give me the discipline, courage, and self esteem to accomplish whatever I set my mind to. I quit my job and wrote a book about it. Now I travel and go on the radio giving interviewers and guidance on how anyone can have a new body and life. This is something that I never would of had the self esteem or self confidence to do before.

If I can do it, you can do it. Take control of your poor self esteem by transforming yourself physically first. All it takes is eating right and getting in some challenging exercise. Once you do this, I can promise you, a self esteem boost is right around the corner.

Feeling Stressed? Try These Essential Relaxation Techniques

In these days of busy lifestyles, it is a rarity that people find time for themselves. They are stressed out and badly need a time for relaxation. But their lifestyle ensures that they have no time for relaxation. Relaxation can not only recharge your worn out batteries but has innumerable benefits for the mind as well as body. But unfortunately people are too busy to even find time for some simple relaxation exercises.

The key to improving your general health and well being is a regular relaxation time period. This regular practise will allow the body to recover from the daily stresses it faces as well as allow it time to heal. Even better it is a shield that can help you cope with problems and tensions when they occur. Even better, it prevents the build up of pressure.

What does it feel like being relaxed? Various people have had various experiences while relaxing. But an agreed factor is that being relaxed is like feeling drowsy accompanied by a feeling of heaviness, while some report feeling light. Essentially, deep relaxation is a state where your body is free from muscle tension and there is a slowing down of your mind. One thing that can be assured when you are coming out of a relaxed state of mind is that you will certainly feel fresh and alert.

There are numerous positive benefits that relaxation has on the human body, including:

1. Lower Heart rate
2. A slow breathing rate
3. Blood pressure is lowered
4. Muscles get relaxed
5. Requirement of oxygen is a great deal lower when you are relaxed
6. Slows down the number of thoughts
7. Calmness and peace descends on your body

Regular use of relaxation techniques offers many health benefits:

1. Blood Pressure is lowered
2. The regular aches and pains are reduced to a large extent
3. High level of alertness
4. Concentration is improved to a great extent
5. Anxiety and panic feelings are reduced
6. Angry outbursts and irritability are lowered to a tremendous extent
7. Better reaction to pains
8. Emotional reactions to problems is reduced
9. Study Skills are enhanced
10. A feeling of being in control
11. Increased ability to handle stressful situations
12. Immune systems functions at an elevated level

Relaxation can benefit all age groups . Though relaxation would mean doing nothing to many people, the body will actually be doing loads of work even in a complete state of relaxation. This is imperative for good health. Relaxation can even help when you are recovering from an illness or trying to improve your health. Maximum improvement is found only when relaxation techniques are part of your recovery strategy.

Relaxation is a very inexpensive way of boosting your health. The human body can not sustain a state of tension, or constant activity, all day. Relaxation is a great way to put your body into peak working condition thereby improving its ability to cope with stress, think clearly and a feeling of being in control during stressful situations. Set aside some time each day to listen to relaxation tapes without interruptions. Soon you will be glad to find yourself in a healthy state feeling fit and eager to get going.

Get a free Stress Management 7-Part E-Course and receive a free mp3 download of an interview with a clinical social worker ('Coping With Stress') with your first issue.
Visit for details and get loads of great relaxation tips and strategies for coping with stress. Free meditation report also available.

Symptoms of Stress - How Can You Stop What You Don't Recognise

Stress is an integral part of our lives. It heightens our awareness, sharpens our focus, and enables us to stay alert and focused. Stress helps motivate us into action and helps to maintain a healthy balance of hormones and chemicals in the brain. However, abnormally high amounts of stress can result in anxiety attacks.

At first, anxiety attacks may occur suddenly and seem like a normal part of being stressed out. If they are not recognized and dealt with, they may continue and worsen over time.

In order to recognize the indicators for an anxiety attack, you have to understand the symptoms of stress first. Each person experiences stress differently, but some of the general symptoms of stress include problems with memory, confusion, difficulty in concentrating and racing thoughts.

Physical symptoms often accompany anxiety attacks. During an anxiety attack you might experience trembling, shaking, stomach aches, hot or cold flashes, noticeably increased heart rhythm, nausea, or shortness of breath. These symptoms can be very upsetting and can interfere with your daily routine.

During the height of an anxiety attack the physical symptoms can be so overwhelming that that they are upsetting. People often report feeling “out of control” of their body or as if they are “dying.” The first time a person experiences an anxiety attack they are unlikely to identify the symptoms of those of anxiety and are more likely to feel that they are experience a heart attack, stroke, or serious medical emergency.

Often it is someone else who notices the symptoms of an anxiety attack. Once an anxiety attacks are suspected immediate medical attention should be sought. Anxiety attacks have similar symptoms to more serious, life threatening medical conditions.

Once your doctor has determined that you are healthy overall, anti-anxiety medication may be prescribed and referral to a counselor or licensed therapist may be recommended.

Counselors are individuals specially trained to help patients explore the motivations behind their feelings. This includes determining what factors contribute to stress and how to eliminate or reduce stress. A counselor will listen to a patient’s medical and biographical history to determine what influences are contributing to the overabundance of stress in their lives. Once these stressors are identified the counselor will create a treatment plan and teach the patient to manage their stress through the use of stress reduction techniques. The success of this treatment plans depends solely on the patient’s commitment to follow through with the suggestions outlined in it.

There are many websites devoted to the use of relaxation techniques that reduce symptoms to a more manageable level and breathing exercises to improve oxygen intake, which could help slow down a racing heart rhythm.

As the stress in your day to day life increases, there are many strategies for coping. Getting assistance in learning how to manage your anxiety is the first step. Determining the major stressors in your life and developing an effective strategy to cope with them will increase your comfort level and bring hope back into your life.

Get Josh Murphy's latest free report 'Self-Care Boot Camp' - jam-packed with more great stress relief information at Check out the site for more great info on topis like ways to relieve stress as well as a free weekly newsletter that subscribers are raving about!

Monday, October 13, 2008

How to Overcome Fears with Subliminal Messaging

Subliminal suggestion was pioneered back in th 1950's and has since become a well researched science. In the 1960's foremost experts in the field, such as Eldon Taylor, Vance Packard and William Bryan Key all proved that subliminal messaging was undeniably very effective.

In 1974, the United States Authorities placed a ban on the use of subliminal messages on TV and radio. According to reports at the time, the censure was applied because subliminal messaging could give both companies and individuals too much of a competitive edge.

Nonetheless, thousands of individuals are still employing subliminal messaging today as a means of self improvement and to help them succeed in their education, careers and even weight loss. People from all walks of life are coming to recognize that subliminal messaging is a very effective means of directly programming their minds, with very little effort on their part. Besides, well known gurus like Derren Brown, Anthony Robbins and Tiger Woods have all vouched for its effectiveness.

Subliminal Software - Harnessing the power of subliminal messaging can be achieved either visually or through the use of sound. Visual messaging is a lot more effective than sound and can be achieved by flashing messages on your computer screen while you work or play.

The hypothesis behind the technique is that, although your conscious mind does not actually see these subliminals, the subconscious does understand them almost immediately and uses them accordingly.  Therefore, people who use subliminal messaging are able to better their success in any arena they choose, and it is easier than they ever considered possible.

Depending on the messages you choose to use, you might find yourself thinking more positively, wanting to exercise, being more self confident or simply being able to focus a lot better.

If you are looking for a lasting, nearly effortless means to change your life in some way, give subliminal messaging a try. It is effective, inexpensive, and it could make a world of difference.

8 Tips For Better Time Management

Are you finding yourself too busy now-a-days? This busy schedule often causes anxiety. Several people are suffering from diseases due to work related pressure and stress. Improper time management is responsible for stress in work place.  

Stress can often be caused by not having enough time to do the things you want or need to do. This is a common problem shared by many employees and employers alike in the workplace as well as students at school, colleges and universities. By managing your time, stresses can be reduced significantly.

Here are 8 useful tips on better time management

1. Do you make statements like "I’ll come over in a minute", "Just give me a couple of minutes to get dressed and finish breakfast". You must be aware by now that all the above statements are probably false because you can not dressed and finish breakfast in two minutes.

2. The key to good time management is self-organization and planning. You should plan your job at the start of every day and you should assign proper priority to all your activity.

3. Set time limits of all tasks. You should assign 30 minutes in morning and 30 minutes in afternoon for reading the mails.

4. You should make your schedule based on the priority of the task. This is most important for better time management.

5. Identify all nonproductive hours in your office and remove them from your schedule. Remove all non productive time wasting activities. One way to do this is by simply maintenance a track of every activity you do and how much time you spend. Soon you will realize that real time wasters like surfing the net or making personal calls actually impact your time.

6. You should be your critic. You should review your efficiency on the various tasks day to day. You should challenge yourself to improve the quality of your work with less time. A minor change in your archiving of data in your computer can save an average 40 minutes per day. You can get your secretary to help you do this.

7. Try to identify your idle time. If you are traveling to and from work by public transport, there is plenty of opportunity to complete a task, especially in today’s mobile computing age.

8. Your plan should be realistic. You need to acknowledge that there is only 24 hours in a day. Don’t make an unachievable target which will increase your stress level.

You can refer to productivity improvement guidelines to improve your time management skills.